PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR is a company engaged in the chemical sector, both Chemical Cleaning, Chemical Maintenance, Chemical Industry, Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling Tower Water Treatment. PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR was founded in 2000. In the first year of this company, PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR is only engaged as a chemical supplier for the maintenance of Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling System and its supporting tools.
Contact Cleaner :
- SM Chem 311 (CONTACT CLEANER) is a high purity electric contact cleaner. This will remove dirt, grease, oil, moisture from electrical equipment and instruments.
- SM Chem 311 will not damage plastic, rubber or enamel insulation.
- SM Chem 311 Evaporates completely without leaving liquid.
- SM Chem 311 Has high resistance to electric currents, is non-conductive, non-corrosive and non-flammable.
- SM Chem 311 has been tested and meets industry safety regulations.