PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR is a company engaged in the chemical sector, both Chemical Cleaning, Chemical Maintenance, Chemical Industry, Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling Tower Water Treatment. PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR was founded in 2000. In the first year of this company, PT. TOROP SUMBER MAKMUR is only engaged as a chemical supplier for the maintenance of Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling System and its supporting tools.
Coal Additive :
SM Chem 503 (Coal Additive) Is a multifunctional catalyst to "increase fuel" in coal as well as to "reduce Sox gas in exhaust gas" in the Boiler and Furnace systems.
Benefits :
- Many improve coal combustion
- Reducing the volume of bottom ash and fly ash
- Reducing unburned carbon
- Reducing Sox gas in exhaust gas
- Reduces dust and soot in exhaust gas
- Reducing Coal consumption
- Remove black smoke
- Helps remove clinker / wasp nest in the combustion chamber
- Increase the efficiency of using low-calorie coal and the use of coal mixed with sludge.